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We, creative photo studio aim, have branches in Tokyo and Sapporo.We always welcome couples who want to take pre-wedding photo in Japan.


We, creative photo studio aim, have branches in Tokyo and Sapporo.

We always welcome couples who want to take pre-wedding photo in Japan.


-FAQs from Foreign Customers-



I don’t speak Japanese. Are there any staff  who know different languages ? (English, Chinese, Cantonese, etc)


We are very sorry but most of us don’t speak Chinese or Cantonese. Some of us know a little English. If you have questions or make a reservation, please email us in English. We don’t have a professional translator or interpreter but we will try to help you.



What does Studio Shooting Package include?



You have 3 choices.

1.Dress plan

   You can wear a dress and a taxeed.
   This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data(about 40 cut, no retouch)
   There are three classes for dress, if you change the dress to upper class dress, extra fee will arise.
                class B ¥39,800 +tax / class A ¥69,800 +tax / class S ¥79,800 +tax
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

2.Kimono plan

   Bride and groom can wear kimonos.
   This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data(about 40 cut, no retouch)
   There are two classes for kimono, if you change the kimono to upper class kimono, extra fee will arise.
                class Standard  ¥49,800 +tax / class Premium ¥79,800 +tax
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

3.Album plan

   You can choose 1 costume plan, 2 costumes plan  and 3 costumes plan.
   Album plan does not have classes for costume.
   If you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)
   The photos will be in the album are retouched.

 1) 1 costume plan ¥160,000  +tax

    The bride and the groom can wear 1 costumes for each (You can choose dress or kimono).
    This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data and album(around 27 photos  will be in the album).
    All data will be around 100 cut (no retouch).

 2) 2 costumes plan ¥250,000 +tax

    The bride and the groom can wear 2 costumes for each (You can choose dress or kimono or both).
    This plan includes hair makeup for bride two times, accessories, all data and album(around 27 photos will be in the album).
    All data will be around 150 cut (no retouch).

 3) 3 costumes plan ¥320,000 +tax

     The bride can wear 3 costumes, the groom can wear 2 costumes (You can choose dress or kimono or both).
     This plan includes hair makeup for bride three times, accessories, all data and album(you can choose an album from 5 different type of album).
     All data will be around 200 cut (no retouch).
You can contact us to get more information!
Address:  info-h@studioaim.jp

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ACCESS aim東京原宿アクセス


営業時間 AM11:00 ~ PM8:00
(土日祝 AM10:00 ~ PM7:00)

定休日 毎週水曜日(祝日は営業)
TEL 03-3497-0303

原宿駅 表参道口 竹下口 徒歩5分
明治神宮前駅 5番出口 徒歩2分