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What’s solo wedding?



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  • 電話で問い合わせ

What’s solo wedding? Solo wedding, it makes women’s wishes comes true such as, “I want to wear dress and preserve in a photo”, “I want to preserve my the most beautiful figure in a photo.” Lonely? Not cool? We want to erase that image and also we want you to preserve your the most beautiful moment in a photo.That is why we started this plan.

Whats solo wedding?

Solo wedding, it makes womens wishes come true such as, I want to wear dress and preserve in a photo”, I want to preserve my the most beautiful figure in a photo.

Lonely? Not cool? We want to erase these images and also we want you to preserve your the most beautiful moment in a photo.

That is why we started this plan.


1.Dress plan

   You can wear a dress.
   This plan includes hair makeup, accessories, 5 data(no retouch)
   There are three classes for dress, if you change the dress to upper class dress, extra fee will arise.
                class B ¥19,800 +tax / class A ¥58,000 +tax / class S ¥69,000 +tax
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

2.Kimono plan

   You can wear kimono.
   This plan includes hair makeup, accessories, 5 data(no retouch)
   There are two classes for kimono, if you change the kimono to upper class kimono, extra fee will arise.
                class Standard  ¥39,800 +tax / class Premium ¥69,000 +tax
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

3.Dress album & data plan

   You can wear a dress.
   This plan includes hair makeup, accessories, 10P album, all data(around 30 cut, no retouch)
   There is no class, you can choose dress from all dress in the same price.
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

4.Kimono album & data plan

   You can wear a kimono.
   This plan includes hair makeup, accessories, 10P album, all data(around 30 cut, no retouch)
   There is no class, you can choose kimono from all kimono in the same price.
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

5. 2 custumes plan

   You can wear 2 costumes (You can choose dress or kimono or both).
   This plan includes hair makeup(2 times), accessories, 10P album, all data(around 60 cut, no retouch)
   There is no class, you can choose dress and kimono from all costumes in the same price.
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)

6. 3 custumes plan

   You can wear 3 costumes (You can choose dress or kimono or both).
   This plan includes hair makeup(3 times), accessories, 10P album, all data(around 100 cut, no retouch)
   There is no class, you can choose dress and kimono from all costumes in the same price.
   Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)
You can contact us to get more information!
Address:  info-h@studioaim.jp

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こんにちは! aim東京原宿店です。 今回は、12/7~12/9で開催しているブライダルイベントの紹介と2ndスタジオの人気の背景3選をご紹介をしていきます! ブライダルイベントでは、イベントでしかできない体験や、スタジオのご紹介もしておりますので実際に背景の雰囲気などご覧いただけるチャンスです

2024.12.08 |


こんにちは!aimme東京原宿店です! 今回は、1月の空き状況をご案内いたします。 すぐ埋まってしまうことが予想されるため、撮影をお考えの方は、お急ぎくださいませ!

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撮影をお急ぎの方必見!12月の空き状況をご紹介します。 現時点での空き状況の為、変動する可能性も! 撮影をご希望のお客様はお早めにお問い合わせ下さい。

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こんにちは!aim東京原宿店です! 今回は、2月の空き状況をご案内いたします。 すぐ埋まってしまうことが予想されるため、撮影をお考えの方は、お急ぎくださいませ!   2/2(日) 1stスタジオ  空きなし 2ndスタジオ 10:00〜   2/3(月) 1stスタジオ  11:00〜 2ndスタジオ 14:00〜   2/4(火) 1stスタジオ  15:30〜 2 ...

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(土日祝 AM10:00 ~ PM7:00)

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