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Location photo wedding in Tokyo.



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We, creative photo studio aim, have branches in Tokyo and Sapporo.We always welcome couples who want to take pre-wedding photo in Japan.


We, creative photo studio aim, have branches in Tokyo and Sapporo.

We always welcome couples who want to take pre-wedding photo in Japan.

In japan, there are a lot of beautiful scenery.

Do you want to take pre wedding photos in cool place?

We do have plans for location photo wedding!

Please check this page!

Location photo plan

Dress location plan

You can wear a dress and a taxeed.
This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data(about 100 cut, no retouch), cleaning fee.
There are three classes for dress, if you change the dress to upper class dress, extra fee will arise.
                class B ¥120,000 +tax / class A ¥140,000 +tax / class S ¥170,000 +tax
Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)
Depends on where you want to take photo, a car fare will arise.

Kimono location plan

Bride and groom can wear kimonos.
This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data(about 100 cut, no retouch), cleaning fee.
There are two classes for kimono, if you change the kimono to upper class kimono, extra fee will arise.
                class B  ¥140,000 +tax / class A ¥170,000 +tax / class S ¥200,000 +tax
Also if you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)
Depends on where you want to take photo, a car fare will arise.

location and studio plan

You can choose 1 costume for location, 1 costume for studio, and you can choose dress or kimono or both.

This plan includes hair makeup for bride, accessories, all data(about 100 cut, no retouch), cleaning fee.
There is no class for dress or kimono.
If you want to take photos on weekends or holidays, extra fee will arise.( +¥20,000)
Depends on where you want to take photo, a car fare will arise.
You can contact us to get more information!
Address:  info-h@studioaim.jp

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【aim東京原宿店】洋装和装ライトプラン お客様インタビュー✨


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この度、aim東京原宿店から新プランが誕生いたしました! 詳しい内容やおすすめポイントについて解説していきます。

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撮影をお急ぎの方必見!10月の空き状況をご紹介します。 現時点での空き状況の為、変動する可能性も! 撮影をご希望のお客様はお早めにお問い合わせ下さい。

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撮影をお急ぎの方必見!9月の空き状況をご紹介します。 現時点での空き状況の為、変動する可能性も! 撮影をご希望のお客様はお早めにお問い合わせ下さい。

2024.09.10 |


こんにちは!aim東京原宿店です。 aim東京原宿店では9月も、ソロウェディングフェアを始め、お得なキャンペーンをご用意しております! 今回は、ソロウェディングにもおすすめなスマート丈ドレスをご紹介します♪

ACCESS aim東京原宿アクセス


営業時間 AM11:00 ~ PM8:00
(土日祝 AM10:00 ~ PM7:00)

定休日 毎週水曜日(祝日は営業)
TEL 03-3497-0303

原宿駅 表参道口 竹下口 徒歩5分
明治神宮前駅 5番出口 徒歩2分